Thursday, July 01, 2004

blighted ovum - pregnant with nothing

I had an u/s this afternoon which showed a good-sized gestational sac but nothing inside of it. The doctor was relieved that I already knew what it was -- a blighted ovum (aka anembryonic gestation). I feel so perplexed though, human condition-psychologically challenged and all that. I went from pg to pg with nothing. I'm still pg and my body is still hormonally chugging along.

Having to tell the group of family and friends what has happened will have its own challenges and I wonder if I can tell them in email or a letter. Right now though I'm just wishing I could get off this train to nowhere and just have my body be normal again.

My partner was shocked because he didn't know that such a thing could happen at all. I feel bad for him, he was so excited about our pregnancy.

There are lots of good things about this, I know some of you who have had recurrent losses probably don't feel that way even if you ever could -- I'm sure I would feel the same way myself. My list of good things:

1. I got to be pg for 3 weeks
2. I got to stop being a fertility-challenged person for a few weeks
3. I got to stop worrying about my fibroid and how it might be impacting my fertility
4. We proved that our equipment worked
5. We did it without medical intervention
6. We didn't have to do IUI in July as planned
7. I got to miss my 7-day period for once in my life
8. I've learned more about the amazing process of gestation first-hand
9. I was waiting until this u/s to tell people at work so I don't have to now
10. I get to be me again for a while (if the sadness doesn't overtake me).

My sincerest condolences to everyone who has to go through this.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get my body to flip the switch and change tracks? I contacted my acupuncturist already and hope to see him next week. Maybe he will give me some Chinese herbs to take. Please help me.

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