Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Crazy day today. I woke up and while half asleep was sure that a) it was Sunday and b) that I had slept until noon. I actually woke up at 6:30 today and rather that check the Ovusoft boards I decided to bake a coffee cake.

So, while it is in the oven (the coffeecake that is) I'm drinking raspberry leaf tea and eating a homemade blueberry muffin (I go through baking waves and I'm on one right now). About 30 minutes later though I have an odd feeling come over me and I make my way to the bathroom and throw up a couple times and then it is done. Soooooo weird.

Yesterday I was actually feeling more normal and less queasy, I thought I was getting lucky and that my body had balanced whatever was off balance. Well, that is not entirely true as I started gagging yesterday when I caught a strong whiff of cleaning solution but I factored that as being just my sensitive nose.

My acupuncturist and I have been emailing and he said he can help with nausea and fatigue. I'll probably go for a visit next week and he can let me know if everything feels all right from an energy standpoint although I'm feeling pretty good I think.

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