Delivery Post Myo
With a myomectomy the surgeon is removing tissue from multiple layers of the uterine wall. Depending on the size of the fibroid/s there also may be extensive work removing and stopping the flow of blood tothe vascular network the fibroid has created for itself. The surgeon then has to suture all of the layers together, how they are able to do that and keep the organ intact is amazing really.
I have heard that they remove the uterus after they deliver the child via c-section, to have better access while sewing it back up. I don't know much about c-sections really but I imagine it is a much neater cut.
One doctor told me that the reason that c-sections are (somewhat) necessary post myomectomy is that the uterine contractions are really intense during labor and could potentially rupture the uterine wall (where it was weakened by surgery) during labor. He told me that I likely would have a hard time finding someone to deliver for me vaginally when the time came (I'm scheduled for my myomectomy for the beginning of October, no babies for me yet). Many woman have been able to deliver post c-section but it is a bit different post myomectomy.
Best wishes for your quick and healthy recovery.