Friday, January 20, 2006

Behold the Wonders of the Cervix

The Behaviour of the Cervix over the Phases of the Ovulatory Cycle

The Discovery of Different Types of Cervical Mucus and the Billings Ovulation Method

There are several methods of tracking your fertility that exist, the newer methods are actually more sophisticated than just counting days as in the Rhythm Method. Now we have charts, and even software to help us track our cycles and fertility patterns.

The ones I know of include:

Billings Method -- pioneered by Dr Evelyn Billings and promoted in the US by Billings Ovulation Method Association - USA

Fertility Awareness Method -- as described in Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler and incorporated into the Ovusoft/TCOYF ovulation calendar software

Creighton Model Fertility Care System -- promoted by Fertility Care Centers and the Pope Paul VI Institute and referenced in this article "Infertility Care and the Role of the Compounding Pharmacist" (PDF)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Easing Into It

I've been trying to ease my brain into the idea that it might be time to go that route, the possible IUI/Clomid route (and who knows what else). Even though we did it on our own twice there are reasons for us to see about other options as the clock keeps ticking.

I've been trying to slowly give my partner more info about it, he sometimes acts like he knows everything so I try not to jump on him with too much info. The other night he told me to hand him something to read so I reached in my nighstand and a copy of Conceive magazine was there and I gave them to him while I brushed my teeth. He read the ad for Preseed and saw how bad Astroglide is for sperm and he was like "I didn't know that!" To which I replied that I had told him over and over and even suggested that we try Preseed a year ago and he said no. He then said "Yeah but I didn't know you meant that bad"

Yesterday I sent him links to the three main fertility clinics in our area -- I've seen docs at all three. My partner and I talked about it briefly last night and he said that our greatest issue was with the profession and not the doctor per se, so he thought we should stick with Dr. Marshall who did my surgery and just coax her into trying things our way for the progesterone. I'm friends with one of the nurses in the office so that's a help too. Still, I loathe having to go back in. I had that consult last April where they told me to hang tight for a while and then got pg right after that and then lost it. My last appointment with the RE was in July, and then the ob/gyn appt but that was just for a pap.

I'll just have to ease myself back in slowly.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Monday, January 16, 2006

Vitamin C: Too Much of a Good Thing

Commonly in fertility diets vitamin C is mentioned, it's really good for you and aids in iron absorption and tissue repair. There is a point when too much vitamin C might actually interfere in female fertility. Men can take twice as much and it will help with semen factors but here are a few points about what too much does to impact female fertility.

Other things which can cause infertility include taking more than 1,000 mg of vitamin C a day. If a woman is doing this and trying to get pregnant, she should decrease it to 500 mg a day. Infertility caused by a higher dose should resolve within a few weeks.
From: Effective Holistic Treatment for Infertility

Vitamin C and bioflavinoids help strengthen the blood vessels lining the uterine wall. When C is too high, however, it can decrease the absorption of copper, a mineral necessary for ovulation, and increase the risk of both infertility and miscarriage.
From: Alternative Health Care Methods of Improving Fertility

Women should avoid megadoses of vitamin C because it can dry up cervical fluid, preventing sperm from reaching the egg. Limit the amount you take to the dose included in your prenatal vitamin.
From: Natural Ways to Boost Your Fertility