Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I've researched progesterone a lot and I've used both a topical cream and Rx vaginal suppositories. My progesterone level was low when I had my 7dpo test last October, and I have other small symptoms of low progesterone as well. My mother had low progesterone prior to conceiving my brother, after 3 miscarriages -- although she is allergic to iodine and has thyroid trouble.

My P4 at 19 dpo was 18.4 which is low I know. I used NPC (natural progesterone cream) for 4 days (19dpo-22dpo) and then the vag. suppositories (V.S.), 50 mg twice daily starting a week after that (there was a problem with the Rx so hence the delay.

My early pregnancy was full of queasiness (like motion sickness -- I recall it now from physical memory like being on a roller coaster -- which I hate!!!). My breasts were huge and sore, I felt like I was surrounded by cotton -- I couldn't think clearly. And my mood! I was like Attila the Hun there, snapping and losing it at the drop of a hat.

When I found out about my blighted ovum I stopped taking the progesterone and magically I felt 100 times better. I had no idea when I was taking it that it was the progesterone that was jerking me around so much. Now that I've finally kicked the bugger out (d&c yesterday) and I'm preparing myself for my next try (in a few weeks or so) I feel just so confused about the progesterone. It seems like it caused some fibroid growth, made me feel like HELL and hardly functional at all. I'm feeling reluctant to take it, at least in that high dosage the next time.

I didn't have any bloodwork done when I was on the V.S. so I don't know if my body is super killer at processing progesterone or if I'm absolutely horrible at metabolizing it so it just builds up to unbearable degrees. I guess I'll have to talk to my doc.

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