Wednesday, July 07, 2004

I had my follow up u/s this morning and my gestational sac now looks like an hourglass and the doc couldn't rule out that there wasn't anything growing at the top side of that hourglass (farthest from the u/s vaginal probe). He said it is possible that it is just the mild calcification in my fibroid that could be bounding the sound echos around. My fibroid may be the thing that is squashing the sac in the middle like that. Still there is no reason to believe that my fibroid has anything to do with the apparent lack of an embryo inside of me.

Just to be sure my RE has me going for a high-end u/s series (abdominal and vaginal both) in radiology this afternoon.

My partner was so sweet in that he wanted to come to the appointments with me, both for moral support and to see what is going on. Aside from that thought, it is amazing to see the extremes he has gone from "it was too soon for us anyway" to "it was mine too and you have to let me deal with this as well". Just as paradoxical as the infertility discussions so many of us have had with our partners. Me I wanted to sit on the couch and watch TV all weekend and just grieve, he on the other hand went on a cleaning mission both inside and outside the house -- probably to take his mind off of things.

We were totally at each other over the weekend we were both so stressed by the news from last week's u/s. He wasn't listening to me and that was really getting on my nerves. No, it wasn't like I was asking him to put the laundry in and he wasn't listening, this was more like I'm not sure we should have 50 people over on Saturday for our birthday party because I don't know how I'm going to be emotionally. We're working past it.

PG loss isn't something that is easy to take at all. I hope that you are spared from this experience but it can and does happen.

Still let's keep our fingers crossed for this afternoon's u/s results.

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