More normal
AF's been a lot more normal this cycle though I'm still amazed at how much less bleeding I have since my fibroid was removed.Then since my acu was so excited by my last two charts (38 & 39) I reflected on some of my previous symptoms that have improved starting from the beginning (3 1/2 years ago) when I had spotting when I ovulated, to liver qi stagnation jaggy temps (look how bad one tx from my naturopath made my temps), or my mid-LP temp slump. Based on that history, my latest charts are really wonderful signs of improvement.
This past LP I didn't have a big night sweat (sweat rolling off of me kind of sweat) until the night before AF started and my feet had been warmer up until a few days before AF was due when they got cold again.
My partner said he would go in to see them and get the herbs. I sure hope they work.
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