Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Cortisol and Night Sweats

I'm onto something, a few things really but the one that has my attention right now is cortisol. I had really bad night sweats at the beginning of my pregnancy. Evidently panic attacks are associated with night sweats and I know from my partner who has panic anxiety that adrenal exhaustion triggers cortisol production. I came across a reference last week that mentioned that kidney yang deficiency was akin to adrenal exhaustion and I've been diagnosed with kidney yang deficiency -- boy doesn't it all come full circle with the night sweats.


I found a couple of links about cortisol and pregnancy loss which I posted to the progesterone and miscarriage post, look towards the bottom of the links.

I've also been looking up about heparin and blood thinners to help stop immunological rejection of pregnancy. I posted a few weeks ago about some similar cases treated with chinese herbs that contained dongquai which is a blood thinner so I wonder if trying the blood thinner route might be worth it -- and then it is a matter of eastern or western medicine.

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