Email to a friend
> You may remember my telling you about my fibroid and
> needing surgery and
> all that -- doctors were so wanting to cut me open
> and it felt so
> intuitively wrong. I had even scheduled surgery for
> the beginning of
> October and I cancelled it. The rest of last year I
> spent every weekend,
> and many other days whenever I could slip it in,
> researching more about
> fertility and fibroids. I met with several more
> doctors, consulted with
> a researcher in Toronto all to try to get a better
> handle on what my
> options were. I was pretty depressed too so that was
> why I wasn't
> calling really.
> At the beginning of this year I finally found a
> reproductive
> endocrinologist I could get along with who was far
> more supportive than
> the other 2 I had spoken with about our situation. I
> also started going
> for acupuncture treatment weekly starting in January
> and had my
> partner taking lots of vitamins and supplements to
> help improve his
> fertility as well (he had a vasectomy and reversal
> and his morphology
> was poor). I figured that Western medicine wasn't
> offering that many
> options so I had to try the alternative route to
> help preserve myself
> and my fertility. If that didn't work then we would
> try fertility meds
> and insemination -- but we put that off until July.
> I have some news though, I'm 5 weeks pregnant with
> our first baby. I
> can't tell you what a relief it is and we are
> soooooo proud that we did
> it ourselves without medical intervention. Our baby
> is due in February.
> So anyway, I'm in a much better place than I was
> last summer/fall/winter
> and I would love to see you.
> Take care and I'll drop you a line in a few weeks to
> set up a date.
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