Report from the ob/gyn visit today
My appointment went well but I was really upset by the end of it, having to explain about all I've been through. The doctor was very nice though and when he saw that I was getting upset he switched over and started saying lots of consoling, positive things which was what I needed. We talked about a c-section delivery and how he would do that and I learned some about their practice. He was a little confused as to why I was seeing an RE without having fertility treatment but finally I think he got it, just circumstantial that we hadn't yet gotten to any fertility treatments. I feel like Annie in the musical, "I think I'm gonna like it here."I dropped by my RE's office which is now on the next floor down to say hi the office staff who know me pretty well now. Still feeling upset, I decided that I wasn't ready to go in to the office so I went home and took a nap for an hour and a half (I did get up at 5:30 this morning) and then felt tired and icky after I woke up. I cooked lunch and made some passionflower tea to calm my nerves (good stuff) and realized that I was holding my muscles related to my uterus. I've been feeling crampiness like after my HSG. I think it was the PAP that set it off, probably brought back pain memories as well.
I finally got into work after 2pm. C'est la vie right?