Fertility Enhancing Diets
I just posted some general tips here but note that while these tips work for both men and women, but there are some additional supplements that each gender should have such as selenium for men and iron for women:Diet Tips
Dietary changes will depend on your individual constitution but generally these are good things to do and will help with your general health as well as your reproductive health -- I've read a lot of books over the past couple years about hormone balance, fertility, stress, fibroids, and alternative medicine:
Increase consumption of leafy greens -- these help your body with hormone balance and production and contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin d plus folic acid all of which are excellent for your fertility and the combination of them is easier for your body to digest.
Cut out simple sugars -- don't eat sweets and cut back on simple carbs as well as these foods are just empty calories and lack nutritional value. Too much sugar can affect your immune system and increase stress on your adrenals and all cells throughout your body. Have a piece of fruit instead. My acupuncturist has told me that even fruit juices contain too much sugar unless diluted.
Increase dietary fiber -- this helps to get rid of excess estrogen which takes a burden off of your liver.
Increase healthy fats in your diet -- more unsaturated fats and less saturated and hydrogenated fats.
Increase anti-oxidents -- Vitamin E and Vitamin C both help to fix cellular damage and heal tissues.
Cut out caffeine -- another adrenal stressor and can impede fertility.
Cut back on dairy -- we're not baby cows and the calcium in cow milk isn't easily absorbed without magnesium (and Vit D but they add that in). This is more controversial, my doctor told me that I would need a lot of calcium if I got pg but my acupuncturist says that the milk causes pelvic congestion and I got pregnant after following his directions and not after following my MDs so I've made up my mind. I just have a little dairy when I'm craving it.
Eat organic, whole foods as much as possible -- Processed foods and regular animal products are full of additives and chemicals which interfere with the endocrine system.
Here are some books you might want to refer to for more information about fertility/diet/hormonal and reproductive health:
Healing with Whole Foods
The Infertility Cure The author hosts fertility retreats and has a website with some recipes on it.
Healing Fibroids
Thyroid Power
Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements
Inconceivable -- I haven't read it but it is supposed to be hardcore into diet and lifestyle changes. The author has a website with some recipes on it: http://www.fertileheart.com/foods/p.fd.soups.html