Saturday, December 06, 2003

Luteal Phase Dysfunction - Low Progesterone Info

I found this article which talks about low progesterone in the post-ovulatory (luteal phase) and saw that it does mention fibroids in the clinical section.

Luteal Phase Dysfunction

I know that not everyone has the same hormonal cause for their fibroids, and that they don't really know very precisely which they are and in which combination but for some of us progesterone supplementation might be helpful.

Anyone know the status of the fibroid research and education bills?

I wrote to my representatives last winter about the 2002 attempt to get this passed and wasn't paying attention when they were introduced again this past Spring.

Anyone know the status of Senate Bill 1087 and House Bill 2157 regarding funding for education and research of uterine fibroids? They were referred to commitee but I don't see anything on the committee web pages.

I thought this was a great line from the start of HB2157:

"The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality found a 'remarkable lack of high quality evidence supporting the effectiveness of most interventions for symptomatic fibroids'."

Might we want to do a push where we write and call into our representatives? If I have time I might call the offices of some of the committee members to see what's up next week.

Here are some links:

House Bill 2157

Senate Bill 1087

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

About Menstrual Suppression

While researching the effects of progesterone on the endometrial lining today I came across some interesting site debating the efficacy of menstrual suppresssion (aka: extended contraception). I
can't say that I noted whether or not these sites mentioned it for use with uterine fibroids but take a look...

Choosing When to Menstruate: The Role of Extended Contraception

The Society for Menstrual Research
(click the link down the page for the statement on menstrual suppression)

CeMCOR - The Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research

Would you stop menstruating if you could?

More about menstruation:

Menstrual Cycles: What Really Happens in those 28 Days?!
(scroll down for more links)

The Menstrual Cycle: What your body is telling you

The Science of Menstruation

The Museum of Menstruation