Friday, June 09, 2006


First hCG:
15 mIU/ml
Second hCG:
82 mIU/ml

hCG Difference:
67 mIU/ml
Time Difference:
48 hours
Total hCG Increase:
447 % (5.5)
Daily Rate Increase:
134% (2.34)
Two Day Rate Increase:
447% (5.47)

1st Day hCGAs If:
35 mIU/ml
2 Days hCG As If:
82 mIU/ml

Assessment: The Two-Day hCG rise was 447% and is considered adequate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't imangine feeling happier for anyone! I'm sending special thoughts your way for the little spirit who's taken residence
