Friday, June 25, 2004

This may sound crazy but caffeine can help sperm swim faster. Truly. Read about it:

Coffee makes sperm speed up
18:24 14 October 03 news service

You might have your partner stop and get a double espresso before the next IUI or you get up early and make/get coffee for him and switch your BD schedule to the AM (as the coffee certainly would disrupt sleep if taken at night).

Just for everyone's information I thought I would share with you a reason why I thought we could influence our fertility in spite of doctors telling us that morphology is just something that you are born with and you can't change. We were working with a biotech company a couple years ago and they had developed a compound that would enhance a plants ability to both combat pests and disease and at the same time had the added benefit of increased fruit production of increased proportions. That was why I went looking for all those links in my sig for sperm maturation and morphology. I thought surely there has got to be a way to influence this process. Finally I got my partner to agree to try the extended supplement regime, thinking that at the very least we would be improving the opportunity to grow better sperm. Take a look at the PDF article at the link below when you have a chance and you can see what I'm talking about.

Messenger for Citrus

Today I've been feeling mostly good but then burpy- yucky, then STARVING (at 11am after I already at leftover Thai food for breakfast and a banana and a glass of almond milk at work), so I had to go buy something pronto. I don't know what would have happened if I didn't but it sure felt desperate.

My partner and a good friend at work are both noticing the physical changes in my already (I noticed them two weeks ago). I've got a little extra fat around my belly button, I'm starting to be a little more rounded in the front as well, and still with the big boobs. I'm thinking about getting some new bras because the ones I have aren't really enough support but that was just based on what I own on not because I look like Busty Dusty (ever hear of her, famous porn star).

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