Response to someone concerned about myo and bleeding
You can ask your doctor to have an Interventional Radiologist (IR) on call in case there is excessive bleeding. That way they can stop the bad bleeding.Remember as well that the UAE procedure was discovered as an effective treatment for fibroids because a surgeon in France sent in some of his patient to get embolized prior to their myomectomies --so he could reduce the amount of bleeding during the surgery. Rather than being polar opposites or just alternate procedures, myomectomy and UAE are also complementary procedures.
The IR I've been talking to about UAE here in Seattle told me that he recently was called in, after there was excessive bleeding and some other complications arose from a myomectomy. He asked the surgeon why he didn't just call him in when things first started going wrong. The surgeon just hadn't thought of it.
If our doctors are going to rely solely on their training, which most of the time didn't include interventional radiology as an approach to stopping hemorrhaging, to do these procedures and aren't going to be a little more creative about taking advantage of alternate approaches than it is even more important that we educate them. The risks of hemorrhaging are there with all of the gynocologic surgeries including hysterectomy, myomectomy, c-section, and even with childbirth (and probably miscarriage too).
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